Thursday, 25 May 2017

B.Tech Tuitions Delhi

We provide B.Tech subject coaching with main focus on tough problem solving and previous examination pattern. We focus on final examination and aim to score high marks in end term examination. LIC also involves puzzle problems of Op amps in



which students do not know how to solve a particular op amp circuit and to find the resulting output. Our LIC B.Tech tuitions  in Delhi involves lots of puzzle circuits of operational amplifier for finding the output. It is also found that there are many questions in final examination of NSIT – LIC paper based on the content not yet given in any book. These concepts are generally discussed by professor in lecture and these are based on research papers and not yet published in books. It is not possible for any ordinary B.Tech coaching institute in Delhi to teach such concepts. We have experience and database of previous notes of professors teaching in NSIT and we have designed specific LIC B.Tech tuition in Delhi pertaining to research level problems. You can thus imagine it is a highly demanding and tough subject to clear without any external help. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

B Tech Coaching in Delhi

There are following colleges for which students are searching B Tech coaching in Delhi

Delhi Technological university, NSIT, IPU, MDU, RTU, Sharda University, SRM university, Galgotia University, JP University, Shiv Nagar University, ITM university, Ansal university etc. There are about sixteen engineering colleges running privately affiated to IP university. The level of teaching given to students in such colleges is very poor, but on the other hand the level of question paper is very high.Also there is very less time avialbale for first year students to prepare for the final exam. They are about six subjects inevery semester with a lab subject for each. Most of the time available with students is spent in preparing for the viva and making files for labs. Students find themeselvs trapped in an illusion of doing some school level assignments and other formalities like making drawing sheets, and they don’t focus of the trend of the final examination pattern. Because of the less time available, students never prepare perfectly for the difficult question paper that the faculty sets for them. Faculty members themselves are not much trained to to give class roomcoaching, they just gives assignments and notes to students, and in return they set highly difficult paper to challenge the poor students. The level of paper they set, that the teacher himself or helrself is not able to solve without opening the book. I can challenge in most of the colleges about 80 percent of the paper setter cant solve the paper without opening the book. There is an urgent need of B Tech coaching in Delhi for engineering students. There are many colleges in which students pay huge amount of fees and , they cheat some of the students by failing them in one or more exam so that they will not able to take migration to any other college. We recommend every engineering student to join B Tech coaching in Delhi to avoid any onset backlog, which may badly affect the placement of the student.