Sunday, 23 December 2018

Engineering Maths B.Tech Coaching

Engineering Maths of IP university second semester involves chapters like, Partial differentiation, Laplace Transforms, Partial first order differential equations these are all in first unit. Most of the students are finding it difficult to solve Lagrange partial differential equations of first order, being one of the difficult topic of Maths. We are running separate weekend batches of B.Tech tuitions for IPU Maths  in Delhi near subhash nagar metro station. There are cases when a particular student is not able to understand the topic in depth in college or in university, and may lead to backlog or a supplementary exam. We are giving separate individual B.Tech tuitions to such students in our Delhi based centre. There are about fourteen engineering colleges in Delhi NCR we have observed that much less amount of time is being given for practice of difficult problems in college lectures. This is the reason why students are getting an increased number of backlog in the subject. We are giving B.Tech tuitions on weekend basis in Delhi for Maths and other difficult subject in which much more time is given to difficult problems. We are distributing hand written notes in pdf form to our students which is further helping them to clear the subject with good marks. To get your percentage of marks more than 80 is highly desirable these days, in IP university because it drastically increases your chances of good placement in the industry top package. But getting such a high percentage without guidance is nearly impossible. We are running our B.Tech tuition batches in Delhi with an objective in our mind to allow the students to acquire good percentage of marks in difficult subject, which by self study is not realistic. The main reason behind the lack of getting good percentage of marks is poor guidance by college teachers. They just referrer the library books, which are useless, and further they do not give better notes to students. They just follow the syllabus pin point and do not go in depth with difficult problems. Student is able to get about 60 to 70 percent marks with the help of guidance being provided by the college teachers. We invite you to our B.Tech tuition batch in West Delhi centre where you can attend demo classes on weekdays and weekend basis. There is guaranteed assurance of getting good percentage of marks more than the expectations. The solid foundation of our B.Tech coaching classes is the availability of highly experienced faculty in the institute. You can also contact us for getting GATE coaching in major disciplines, like ECE, CSE and IT. Feel free to contact us on 9899927912.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Engineering b.Tech Tuitions in Delhi

Second year Engineering students of ECE in Delhi are having their exams going in the month of Dec. 2018. Monday was the exam of STLD (Switching theory and logic design) a problem of tabulation method was there in the exam, which many students finds it difficult. Most of the students those joined B.Tech tuitions in Delhi were ableto solve the problem easily, but with the self study it was difficult to solveas per the discussion with the students. We aim to deliver top quality B.Tech tuition classes in Delhi for most of the difficult subject like STLD, Signal system, EMFT, VLSI, Microwave, Microprocessor, Communication system, Linear integrated circuits, control systems, Network analysis etc. Many students were not able to solve all the problems, as per the discussion with students coming out of examination centre it was figured out that many students were not able to complete the syllabus in such a small time. But with the students those who joined B.Tech tuitions for STLD in Delhi completed their syllabus with great quality notes. We give efficient B.Tech tuition in Delhi for most of the difficult subjects as per the latest difficult pattern. Students equipped with latest handwritten and printed computerized notes to have a state of the art study material to crack the exam. One of the students told us that sequential circuits design was not present in any book even in library, in one of the bookthe topic was given but language was very difficult to understand. We in ouracademy are giving B.Tech tuition in Delhi on the basis of all the notes prepared by highly experienced faculty, with no need to purchase any kind of book. Students are most of the time takethe subject lightly and don’t understand its worth for long run. We in our academy have designed the B.Tech tuition classes in Delhi according the worth of the subject in long run where students will be able to focus with a different attitude toward that subject to take extra interest and may pursue the subject for its final year project or for a skill development in summer training. Rather that just studying from bookand thinking about just acquiring the passing marks is not sufficient as an engineer in long run. You need to take the subject deeply those are most important for your career and research. We are giving all our Engineering tuitions in Delhi as per this need and believe us that you will be able to geta lot of benefits other than acquiring just passing marks. To have a demo class contact us 9999070890.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

B.Tech Tuition Institutes In Delhi For DCS-2

DCS-2 Stands for Digital Circuits and systems. It covers VHDL Programming, Asynchronous circuits, Algorithmic State machines and FPGA Programming. B.Tech tutorial classes are provided for DCS-2 in major educational areas of Delhi such as Jia Sarai, Subhash Nagar Metro, Tilak Nagar, Janak Puri, Paschim Vihar North Campus etc. B.Tech tuition is provided for leading universities of Delhi like, GGSIPU, MDU and UPTU in such coaching institutes. But DCS-2 is a special subject which is difficult to understand in self study. Core concepts are covered by B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi in which they mainly focus on VHDL programming. Tejas Engineers Academy is one of B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi offering special B.Tech tuition in Delhi for DCS-2 in which following are course contents.
VHDL Programming
B.Tech tutorial classes start with an introduction to basic concepts like, Data objects, data types, Structural modeling, Behavior modeling and Data flow modeling. Then we move onto package body, package declaration, configuration declaration, configuration body, generate statement, Finite state machine design.
Asynchronous logic design
It starts with forming a transition table, state diagram, state table then deriving the excitation equation of flip flops then forming the final circuit. Some B.Tech coaching institutes do not cover word problems of ASL. Tejas Engineers Academy is one of top level B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi which covers Word problem solving of ASL from book Morris Mano unsolved problems.
Algorithmic State machines
It involves forming the state diagram of circuit /Word level problem. Many B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi do not covers the design of ASM using Multiplexers and Decoders. But Tejas Engineers Academy provides B.Tech Tutorial classes in Delhi covering circuit design using Multiplexers and Decoders.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

engineering tuitions in delhi for first semester

First semester of B.Tech includes subjects like: Electrical Technology, Applied Physics, B.Tech maths etc. We are giving Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for all the first year subjects mentioned above on Saturday Sunday basis. We are giving 1.5 hour of class per subject. Till now about one unit per subject is completed. Students are highly satisfied and performing well in the internal tests being organized. New students for Engineering tuitions in Delhi Subhash nagar, Tilak nagar, Rajouri Garden etc are  also coming to us and are getting backlog classes on weekdays basis. Currently we are teaching Asymptotes and curve tracing in our batch of Engineering Tuitions in Delhi. The major problem that first year students are facing in the difficulty and high level the B.Tech Maths. In our classes we explain each and every concept in very easy to understand manner. A lot of examples are being given most of the problems that come to final exam are from our class notes. Our motive is to cover most of the difficult problems of maths in class room so that the students don’t have to waste time to do more problems at home, they rather focus on other subjects. The other issue is the lack of time available for self study.After exhaustively attending the college lecture and coming back to home, student is deprived of energy and he is not able to focus on subject those are important from percentage point of view. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi according to the importance of the subject which help the students to set the priorites to learn according to difficulty level. Taylor series, Mclaurin series, Infinite Series, Asymptotes, curve tracing, Radius of curvature, Reduction formulae, applications of integration etc. are most difficult topics those require Engineering Tuitions in Delhi that we are giving currently as mentioned earlier. If you are a B.Tech student then consider to join B.Tech tuitions for one or more subject with us to increase your chances of getting good marks.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Engineering Tuitions For b Tech subjects

6th Semester is very crucial for ECE (IPU) students. They have subjects: Digital Signal Processing, VLSI, Microwave and Radar Engineering, Microprocessor and Interfacing 8085, Telecommunication Networks. These subjects are very crucial hence there are many coaching institutes which provides Engineering Tuition in Delhi for these subjects. Digital signal processing is also known as degree stopping paper and hence coaching institutes generally provides a special B.Tech tuition in Delhi for DSP. Students of ECE branch have a relatively difficult syllabus for Digital signal processing hence they really need Engineering tuition centre in Delhi for this subject.
Every semester huge amount of backlogs are created in this subject. In order to increase the chances of students to get good marks a very good Engineering coaching institutes in delhi is required. Tejas Engineers Academy is a top level Engineering coaching classes which offers Engineering Maths tuition in Delhi for most difficult subject in Engineering. Digital signal processing tuition on Tejas Engineers Academy is provided by highly expert facult member who possess M.Tech and Phd from IIT Delhi and having about 15 years of teaching experience in Engineering college. If you are a 6th semester student searching for BTech tuition in Delhi then come to demo class on Tejas Engineers Academy.

Friday, 27 July 2018

B Tech Tuitions And B Tech coaching

: Engineering Tuitions in Delhi

It is common practice to get involve in outside extracurricular activites, or non academic courses in the name of technical courses and coding classes. Students tend to get away from their academic life and perform poorely in theory papers of B.Tech Engineering course. When a student obtaines less marks and feels satisfied, then it becomes a habit of acquiring less marks and soon the student comes in the group of mediocre students. They do not get a campus placement and most of them have spoiled career. We recommend you to stay ahead from rest of your classmates by Joing B.Tech Tuition Institutes in Delhi for your difficult theory subjects like Maths three, Maths one, Electrical technology, Datastructures, Signal system, Circuit system, Microprocessor and Microcontroller MPMC, Digital Communication, Digital system design, Embedded system etc. We advise you to take a demo class from us by contacting us on number 9999070890 For B.Tech Tuitions in Delhi. It gives you immense advantage over your counter parts and becomes your proactive advantage over others. Most of the tutors giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi here at our institute have done their M.Tech from reputed institute and some of them are full time professors of colleges. We give you surety of getting good understanding of the subject and assurance of getting very good score in the final exam. We will also help you in understanding the practical aspects of the subject by giving you demo on kits and computer. We are giving B Tech coaching in Delhi for most of the difficult subjects for almost all universities, like: KU, RTU, DU, DTU, NSIT, AKTU, UPTU, PTU, IPU, Thaper university, Galgotia University, Sharda Univesity, SRM university, Amity university, Ansal university, ITM university, North Cap university etc. We cover all the difficult subjects and have an experience of more than 15 years in the same field. To get a demo of B Tech coaching in Delhi set a demo class by contacting us on number 9899927912

Sunday, 22 July 2018

We provide all subjects B Tech Supplementary tuition in Delhi.

We provide all subjects B Tech Supplementary tuition in Delhi. Tejas Engineers Academy is best among all the B Tech tuition institutes in Delhi. We provide Maths-1, Physics-1, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Technology, Digital Signal Processing, Control Engineering etc.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

About the activities and their outcomes for B.Tech students

  1. Attending all the lectures regularly:- Good activity to start with, keep in mind that all topics covered in class are always important and final paper comes from that. Never follow your friends to bunk the lectures. No activity is important than attending your subject lecture. Do remember to make class notes in different books for different subjects. Students those who attend all the lectures and stay attentive in class tend to score more in the final exams. There will be no need to find B.Tech tuitions for your difficult subjects in Delhi when you stay a regular student in the whole semester.
  2. Attending your labs regularly:- Stay attentive in your lab sessions as it gives a practical aspect of the engineering degree. Lab is a good place to find the solution to all your queries in theory lectures; it is a place where you can ask different questions regarding the practical applications of theory concepts. Attending lab sessions gives you marks also, as every lab sessiona has a wieghtage associated with it. Students those are weak in practical approach may join B.Tech tuition in Delhi for the theory subject and take help from the tuition teacher. Subjects for which students search tuitions are like:- Electrical Technology, Applied physics, Signals and systems, Circuits and systems, Data structures, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Theory of computation. Such subjects are important for GATE exam point of view also. Joining B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for such subjects give you an edge in GATE exam also. Always keep in mind that, tuitions prepare you for the final exam proactively, where you are guided specifically to crack a difficult exam.
  3. Joining Some societies in college:- If you are a first year student, you surely would get attracted towards the extra curricular activites going on in college being offered by various socities formations. But always keep one thing in your mind that, such activities will definitely consume your precicuos time that otherwise you may spend to joing some of the B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for difficult subject to stay ahead from rest of the students in your class.
  4. Sports:- It is one of the activitiy that we highly recommend you to stay in touch. When you are in any sport society, not only you stay fit, but you tend to acquire an attitude of sportsmanship, that will give you a positive boost in your studies as well. Sports like, playing in football, cricket team, badminton, tennis etc may be a good idea.
  5. Joining B.Tech tuition in Delhi for difficult subjects:- There two or three subject in every semester of Engineering degree those require some extra inputs over and above your self studies. B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for subjects like, Electrical Technology, Digital system design, Signals and systems, Circuits and systems, STLD, Embedded system, Microprocessor and Microcontroller are a good idea to join. They will proactively prepare you for the final exam and help you to score better marks. Some people say, don’t joint B.Tech tuitions in Delhi, but remember such people themselves have cleared all theor competetive exams by joining tuitions for difficult subjects. Joining tuition will not harm you in any way, but it will prepare you for the final exam in a better and systematic way.
To book a demo class for any of the difficult subject you may contact us on number 9899927912.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

How to clear all papers without B.Tech tuitions

We are giving some guidelines to IPU students for clearing semester papers without joining the  B.Tech tuitions in Delhi.

1.      Update your class notes:- Regularly attend the classes and do complete your note book with all lecture notes. Hand written and self made notes are the best.
2.      Try to sit in the first row:- understanding of the lecture is more on front row compared to that on back rows.
3.      Don’t miss or bunk lectures:- Missing few or more lectures drastically disturbs the lecture rhythm and snatches our interest in the course.
4.      Pick previous papers:- From your library or from seniors try to get as many previous papers as possible to update yourself about the exam pattern. This the key to success because if you are planning to join B.Tech tuition in Delhi, then this is the most popular trick of the tutors to get the best result.
5.      Make subject teacher to know your name:- Somehow by asking queries, by calling on phone, or by asking or sending message on Whatsapp, facebook etc try to make the subject teacher know your name. This will keep in their mind that you are a good student and will give them impression while checking your answer sheets of internal exams and highly affects your internal marks.
6.      Keep yourself away from extracurricular activities:- It is observed many times that extracurricular activities are useless with respect to final exams or percentage of marks. They will distract you and keep you to force to join B.Tech tuitions in Delhi. We recommend you not indulge yourself too much in such activities and try to have distance from such things.
7.      Don’t believe on your friends:- Do not believe your friends regarding the  feedback of teachers or a subject or their preparation levels as they mostly try to misguide regarding how they are studying. They will not let you know about how they are preparing or getting some help or tuitions privately.
We have tried to guide you regarding self help in securing good marks in exam and try to avoid B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for your difficult papers.
Tejas engineers academy is a leading institute in providing all subjects B.Tech tuitions in Delhi and students come to us from far places like, Laxmi nagar, Gaziabad, Noida, Rohini, etc.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

We are offering one month crash course B.Tech tuitions in Delhi

We are offering one month crash course B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for subjects like, Mathematics, Electrical Technology, EMFT, DSP, Microprocessor, power electronics etc. Classes are going to start from Monday onwards, timings will be from evening 4 pm onwards. Students those who were busy in going to college regularly and have scored less marks in internals will get the highest benefits. We are running more than 20 batches of B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for difficult subjects. Some of the students have scored much less marks in internals due to lack of attendance or less score in the internal exams. Our crash course will be highly beneficial for them. If you were not able to understand the lectures in college or have lack of confidence in any subject you can contact us at number 9899927912 to book a demo class for B.Tech tuitions in Delhi. In the IP university and MD university final exam dates have come and students are preparing for final clash. If you have lack of time or not able to understand the book language of any of the B.Tech subject, you can join our B Tech coaching in Delhi for that particular subject. We can offer you a one to one coaching or a crash course batch. In both cases you will be able to get the high amount of benefits. In the case of students living in distant places it is convenient to join the individual coaching rather than batch, because it will be difficult to cope with the late batch timings some time. For students of outsider universities like, Kurukshetra university, RTU,  PTU we are also offering one to one Engineering tuitions in Delhi as a special case. There is no need to have a previous knowledge of the subject you can start from scratch and we will be able to take you to the top. We are giving practice classes to the students those have completed their course. It is giving them a lot of confidence and strength for the final end term examination. Tejas Engineers Academy the only one Tuition Institutes in Delhi .Students searching for B.Tech tuition classes or B.Tech tuition in Delhi are highly recommended to contact us for getting help in any subject. You can call us at number 9899927912.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

b Tech Tuition For Engineering Maths 2

Maths-2 covers topics like, Exact differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order, Laplace Transofor, Vector calculus etc. These chapters are lengthy and difficult to cover effectively in self study. We have a disciplined and carefully designed course of B Tech tuitions in Delhi for engineering mathstwo. If you are a MDU, KU, PTU, DU, IPU student or any other private or international university student, we offer you free demo class by contacting us on number 9899927912. Beware of the time pass and fresh teachers they will give you B Tech Tutorials in Delhi in part time, otherwise they teach full time school tuition. But remember B Tech subjects cannot be taught in part time they require full time attention. If you are a student studying in Delhi or distantuniversity and in an urgent need of B Tech tutorials in Delhi for all your supplementary or Regular exam, you can take a demo class from us by contacting us on number 9899927912.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

B Tech Tuition For Analog Electronics

In the current even semester even students of 6th semester are studying VLSI, digital signal processing and microwave as their core subjects. All subjects are difficult and require student to join B.Tech tuition in Delhi. We here in our academy are running three separate weekdays batches of all three subjects where students are coming from different parts of Delhi to attend B. tech tuition classes.  After first sessional all of our students have scored very good marks and they all are highly satisfied. Major problem with these subjects is that not even a single book is available to help students for self study. We are giving tuition classes in Delhi by our highly experienced college faculty who is teaching from notes prepared from the collection of more than ten books.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Engineering maths tuition Delhi

Suresh is MD university student saying that he was much weak in Applied Mathematics and was not able to understand even the basics of the mathematical operations. He was getting backlog since last two years. He came to us in the year 2015 and joined a batch of B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for Mathematics on weeked basis. He was able to succefully clear the backlog in first attempt. His basic argument was that college teacher didn’t pay attention towards the highly weak student those didn’t even understand basics of integration and differentiation. After we joined B.Tech tuition for Mathematics we told that we needed to understand from basics and then we got good results. Beside problem solving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi is giving confidence boost to especially weaker students. Rohit is a student of USIT under IPU who is taking Computer science subject B.Tech tuitions in Delhi from our institute. We are giving him tuition with best in class faculty it is our hardwork by which he is now getting good percentage of marks.  Last year when he joined us he was much weaker in fundamentals of the subjects, we worked on his area of weakness and took all the measure. He told us that after joining B.Tech subject tuitions in Delhi with our institute he was able to clear all the backlogs. One of the big Problems he pointed that “In current days most of teachers of Government colleges are busy doing their own research work and they are not at all interested in teaching in class room”. He also pointed out a very valid point that government should make a policy to regulate the education in engineering colleges as teachers don’t pay much attention in government institutition in teaching the weak students. We recommend student of government colleges to join B.Tech tuition in Delhi for important subjects with strong fundamental to get good percentage of marks as well as a reputed job.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Engineering Tuitions in Delhi For Automata theory of computation

Ramesh Mathur:- Ramesh is a second year student of IP university private collge in greater noida. He told us that He is currently in second year in ECE branch and there are subjects like: Signals and systems, Engineering maths 3, Datastructures, Analog Electronics-1, STLD, Circuits and systems. Most of these subjects are totally numerical and problem solving based. There is a strong demand of B.Tech tuition in Delhi for these subjects. But adequate Coaching institutes are not there. Most of the institutes are school based and they give B.Tech tuitions in Delhi on part time basis which is useless. There are time pass and part time teachers which are not well qualified or trained to give B.Tech tuitions for such difficult subjects.

Rageshwari Sinha: Rageshwari is currently in third year of B.Tech in Delhi in IP university. She told us about the third year subjects like AUTOMATA, Control sytem Engineering, Digital System design, Digital communication etc. These subjects are purely mathematical and demand more attention than other subjects. But real problem is that you will not be able to find good B.Tech tuition institutes in Delhi. Students try to find good B.Tech tuitions in Delhi but most of the time they get struck with time pass school level teachers. It is very difficult to find such tuition centre. We have found that there is one such institute near subhsh nagar metro station where you will be able to find only engineering students. You can set demo class by calling at 9899927912.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

B Tech Coaching Institutes in rohini

Kunal is one of the alumni of Manipal University who is based in rohini. He told us that he joined the institute in summer vacation of 2015 when there was a short notice to prepare and give exam within 20 days. He told us that on searching on internet he came to know about this institute where he joined B.Tech tuition in rohini for analog electronics and Microprocessor. His feedback about the faculties of electronics and microprocessor was very good. He told us that he had successfully cleared microcprocessor and analog electronics supplementary exam and was quite satisfied. He mentioned that it is one of best institute giving B.Tech tuition in rohini for outsider students of Manipal and VTU. Syllabus of both VTU and Manipal are almost similar. VTU is more advanced having lengthy syllabus but in same theme as in Manipal.
If you are a student studying in outside or distant university and in an urgent need of B.Tech tuition in Delhi for all your backlog or supplementary exam, you can take a demo class from us by contacting us on number 9899927912.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

B Tech Tuitions In Delhi Analog Electronics 2

TejasEngineers Academy offers top quality B Tech coaching in Delhi for AnalogElectronics 2. Following is the syllabus of Analog Electronics

Unit -1:-

Introduction to op-amps:- Differential amplifier using BJT, Block diagram of op amp, Pin diagram of 741 IC, Characteristics of ideal op amp, Equivalent circuit of op amp, ideal voltage transfer curve, op amp ac and dc parameters.

Buildingblocks of analog ICs: Differential amplifier using single and two op amps, virtual ground, circuit for improving CMRR, Wilson and widlar current mirrors, Active loads, level shifters and output stages  instrumentation amplifier using op amp.


Linear  and nonlinear waveshaping: Inverting and noninverting amplifiers, Voltage follower, Difference amp, adders, voltage to current converter with floating and grounded load, Current to voltage converter, practical integrator and differentiator, clipping and claping, circuits, comparators, log / antilog circuits using op amps, precision rectifiers, peak detector, inverting and non inverting shmitt trigger circuits.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Engineering Maths 2 Tuition near me

In current even semester there are subjects like Maths two and Maths four running in IPU and MDU. The maths 2 of both MDU and IPU is having chapters like, Laplace transform, partial differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order and applications. Maths two is one of the difficult and lengthy subject which requires quite a lot of attention with regular study. Most of the students of private engineering colleges join B.Tech maths tuitions in Delhi from an experienced tutor or from a private coaching institute. Maths 4 of IPU is also equivalently difficult requiring lot of efforts in the form of long hours of self study. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for Maths four on weekend basis. We are giving tuitions in Delhi for B.Tech students keeping in view the pattern of final examination. Final examinations are in June and lots of efforts are to be required. Students are generally busy in even semester this is because the semester is having fest and sport meet and less time of actual study. Students are not able to solve difficult problems from back of the chapters. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for B.Tech maths with keeping in view of the difficult problems given at back of chapters. There was a case in which we observed that some of the question came from the books those were not recommended at all, students cannot prepare in such case. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi with taking into account the cases of questions from unpopular books those are not recommended in regular syllabus. 

Friday, 2 February 2018

Engineering Maths Tuitions

In current evensemester there are subjects like Maths two and Maths four running in IPU and MDU  The maths 2 of both MDU and IPU is having chapters like, Laplace transform, partial differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order and applications. Maths two is one of the difficult and lengthy subject which requires quite a lot of attention with regular study. Most of the students of private engineering colleges join B.Tech maths tuitions in Delhi from an experienced tutor or from a private coaching institute. Maths 4 of IPU is also equivalently difficult requiring lot of efforts in the form of long hours of self study. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for Maths four on weekend basis. We are giving tuitions in Delhi for B.Tech students keeping in view the pattern of final examination. Final examinations are in June and lots of efforts are to be required. Students are generally busy in even semester this is because the semester is having fest and sport meet and less time of actual study. Students are not able to solve difficult problems from back of the chapters. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for B.Tech maths with keeping in view of the difficult problems given at back of chapters. There was a case in which we observed that some of the question came from the books those were not recommended at all, students cannot prepare in such case. We are giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi with taking into account the cases of questionsfrom unpopular books those are not recommended in regular syllabus.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Btech Maths Tuition in Delhi

Maths-2 covers topics like, Exact differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order, Laplace Transofor, Vector calculus etc. These chapters are lengthy anddifficult to cover effectively in self study. We have a disciplined and carefully designed course of B Tech tuitions in Delhi for engineering mathstwo. If you are a MDU, KU, PTU, DU, IPU student or any other private or international university student, we offer you free demo class by contacting us on number 9899927912. Beware of the time pass and fresh teachers they will give you B Tech Tutorials in Delhi in part time, otherwise they teach full time school tuition. But remember B Tech subjects cannot be taught in part time they require full time attention. If you are a student studying in Delhi or distant university and in an urgent need of B Tech tutorials in Delhi for all your supplementary or Regular exam, you can take a demo class from us by contacting us on number 9899927912.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

B Tech Maths Coaching

That’s why we rely on B.Tech tuition in Delhi for most of our difficult subjects like Engineering Maths, Signals systems, Electrical Technology, Electronic Devices, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Digital Signal processing, Digital Electronics, Digital System Design etc. We tried asking more reason, one of the student whose name is Devanshu replied “Look We are tired of getting bored and useless lectures, we simply bunk these lectures and go for B.Tech tuitions in Delhi”. The reason given by Devanshu was simple to understand that level of teaching given by private and government collges is highly poor and students are simply bunking them and not taking them seriously. We tried asking about his recent experience of B.Tech tuition classes. He told us that He is going to Tejas engineers Academy near subhash nagar metro station for getting DSP B.Tech tuition in Delhi.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

B.Tech tuition in Delhi for Engineering Mechanics

Engineering mechanics is one of the difficult subjects of B.Tech which comes in second semester for all branches. It has topics like, truss analysis, shear force bending moment, friction, moment of inertia, centre of gravity, rectilinear and curvilinear motion. The subject mainly involves numerical problems and almost no theory. This is the reason why students prefer to join B.Tech tuition in Delhi for Mechanics. We are giving B.Tech tuition for Mechanics in the coming week starting with 13th January 2018. We are pleased to inform you that we have 100 percent success rate in engineering mechanics in the last 10 years of record. In Engineering mechanics students find it difficult to practiceproblems, as there are many text books those are prescribed in this course. We have designed our B.Tech tuition in such a way that we follow a set of problems based on our experience for all the different univerisites to prepare for examsin a systematic way. B.Tech tuitions have gained attention in last five year, this is because it gives a way to prepare systematically for final exam and to score good percentage of marks.