EMAC:- Three phase induction motors and widely used for
industrial applications, these are used to drive heavy machines and rotors.
They develop torque from three phase windings in which a rotating magnetic
field is produced. Rotating magnetic field exists in stator. This magneticfield when acts on the rotator, causes change in magnetic flux and hence eddy
currents are produced in rotor. Production of eddy currents causes rotor to
move in synchronously with the rotating magnetic field, it is because of the
opposing nature of eddy currents due to which they oppose the relative
motion. Its study is very important from
the engineering application point of view. Slip is a very important parameter
of three phase induction motor. It is defined as the fractional difference is
speed of the rotating magnetic field and the rotational speed of rotor.
Signal and system:- Basic signals those are used in engineering
study are :- unit step signal, unit impulse signal, unit ramp signal, sinusoidal
signal, exponential signal. These signals are used in the analysis and design
of various communication engineering blocks. Many operations can be performed
on signals, such as time shifting, time reversal, amplitude scaling. Signals
can be classified into many types such as even odd signals, deterministic and
random signals, periodic and non periodic signals, causal non causal signals.
These classification of signals are very important in the study of digitalsignal processing, communication engineering.
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