Friday, 20 November 2015

B.Tech tuition Institutes in Delhi for DCS-2

DCS-2 Stands for Digital Circuits and systems. It covers VHDL Programming, Asynchronous circuits, Algorithmic State machines and FPGA Programming. B.Tech tutorial classes are provided for DCS-2 in major educational areas of Delhi such as Jia Sarai, Subhash Nagar Metro, Tilak Nagar, Janak Puri, Paschim Vihar North Campus etc. B.Tech tuition is provided for leading universities of Delhi like, GGSIPU, MDU and UPTU in such coaching institutes. But DCS-2 is a special subject which is difficult to understand in self study. Core concepts are covered by B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi in which they mainly focus on VHDL programming. Tejas Engineers Academy is one of B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi offering special B.Tech tuition in Delhi for DCS-2 in which following are course contents.
VHDL Programming
B.Tech tutorial classes start with an introduction to basic concepts like, Data objects, data types, Structural modeling, Behavior modeling and Data flow modeling. Then we move onto package body, package declaration, configuration declaration, configuration body, generate statement, Finite state machine design.
Asynchronous logic design
It starts with forming a transition table, state diagram, state table then deriving the excitation equation of flip flops then forming the final circuit. Some B.Tech coaching institutes do not cover word problems of ASL. Tejas Engineers Academy is one of top level B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi which covers Word problem solving of ASL from book Morris Mano unsolved problems.
Algorithmic State machines
It involves forming the state diagram of circuit /Word level problem. Many B.Tech coaching institutes in Delhi do not covers the design of ASM using Multiplexers and Decoders. But Tejas Engineers Academy provides B.Tech Tutorial classes in Delhi covering circuit design using Multiplexers and Decoders.

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