Sunday, 3 July 2016

Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for 1st year Student

Tejas Engineers Academy provides B.Tech tuitions for communication system. Following is the schedule for the same

Saturday: 3 pm to 6 pm

Topic: Introduction and Modulation need

Tejas Engineers Academy is dedicated to provide you the online content of  Lectures of B.Tech tuitions being conducted in the academy.

Communication is the process of establishing connection or link between two points for information exchange.

The electronic equipments which are used for communication purpose are called communication equipments when assembled tighter form a communication systems. Typical examples of communication system are line telephony and line telegraphy, radio telephony and radio telegraphy, radio broadcasting , point to point communication and mobile communication , computer communication, radar communication, television broadcasting radio telemetry radio aids to navigation, radio aids to aircraft landing etc.

The earliest communication system namely line telegraphy originated in eighteen forties. In addition to this line telephony came a few decades later whereas radio communication could become possible in the beginning of twentieth century on invention of triode valve.

Radio communication was further greatly improved during world war 2. It became more widely used through the invention of transistor, integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices in the subsequent years. Also in recent years, communication has become more widespread with the use of satellites and fiber optics. Today, there has been an increasing emphasis on the use of computers in communication.

Above is a brief description of B.Tech tuition lecture for communication system on our academy. Tejas Engineers Academy is intended to provide you all subjects B.Tech tuitions in Delhi. Many students comes to us from various parts of Delhi for attending B.Tech tuitions.


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