Saturday, 31 December 2016 tuitions in delhi part 2 physics

We bring you solved questions of various universities exam question, and we aim to give you all relevant information related to quality B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for all majorsubjects. Today also we focus our attention on physics paper. This time we tried to solve the paper from leading government college faculty member, he was very enthusiastic to solve it and gave us detailed solution of many of the problems. Faculty member convinced us to keep his name secret he told us that he is taking B.Tech tuitions in Delhi on part time basis and you can contact us on our number 9899927912 to set physics class with him.
Problem statement is
What is the concept to absent spectra in transmission grating
A plane transmission grating has N slits, these slits produce interference and diffraction pattern together on screen. The points where maxima of diffraction pattern overlaps with minima of the interference pattern becomes absent spectra. Formula for same is
                                                                      m / n = (a) /(a + b)
Where ‘a’ is the width of one slit and ‘b’ is the distance between consequtive slits.

Sir who solved it can give you more hints to solve difficult problems. He is taking B.Tech tuitions in Delhi from last seven years and associated with few B.Tech tuition institutes in Delhi.

We are making our sincere efforts to take solutions from more prominent teachers those are involved in giving B.Tech tuitions in Delhi those are associated with some of the esteemed intitutionns in Delhi and NCR.

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