Friday, 8 September 2017

B Tech Tuitions In Delhi For ET

                                                B Tech Tuitions inDelhi for ET
ET is one of the core subjects of Engineering for all branches of first semester engineering in Delhi. Tejas Engineers Academy offers Engineering tuitions in Delhi for Electrical Technology for both first semester as well as second semester for all major universities. Following is the schedule and details of Electrical Technology lecture in our institute.
Brief Details:- In this lecture we will cover Moving Coil, Moving Iron and dynamometer type of instruments.
Moving Iron instrument consists of a coil of copper having many turns. There is an iron spindle in front of the coil axis. Iron spindle is connected to weight to balance the spindle in equilibrium position. Iron spindle is also connected to a pointer which moves on a scale. Spindle is also connected to an air chamber provided with a piston. Purpose of air chamber is to provide air friction damping to the needle to avoid unnecessary oscillations of pointer.
When current is allowed to pass through the coil there exist a strong magnetic field along the axis of coil due to which iron spindle experiences magnetic attractive force towards the coil axis. When spindle moves towards the axis of coil, weight attached to the spindle provides gravitational controlling torque.
Amount of deflection produced is directly proportional to the square of electric current. Thus scale of the moving iron instruments is non uniform. Moving iron instruments are suitable for both ac as well as dc currents. Moving iron instruments are bulky in size and have high cost.
To know the more details of moving iron instruments we request you to attend our lecture for Engineering tuitions in Delhi in Tejas Engineers Academy
Moving coil Instruments:- A moving coil instrument is based on the fact that a current carrying coil placed in uniform magnetic field experiences a torque. There are two types of moving coil instruments, one is permanent magnet moving coil instrument while the other is dynamometer type moving coil instrument.
It consists of a rectangular coil having many turns of copper wire. It has a cylindrical soft iron core along the axis of coil. Coil is provided with a spring mechanism at its bottom. Coil is placed between the concave pole pieces of a permanent magnet. When electric current is passed through a rectangular coil then it experiences deflecting torque. It causes pointer to move on the scale. It also results in the twisting of the spring system attached to the coil. Deflection produced till equilibrium position is directly proportional to the current passing through the coil. Thus scale of moving coils instruments is uniform in nature. Tejas Engineers Academy B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for moving coil as well as moving iron types of instruments.
In case of dynamometer type of instruments there are two types of coil. One is moving coil and other is fixed coil. Fixed coil is used to produce a constant magnetic field while moving coil experiences torque due to fixed coil. Dynamometer type of instruments can be of two types. One is series magnet type and other is shunt magnet type. In series magnet type electric current through both fixed coil and moving coil is same. In shunt magnet type instrument electric current through moving coil and fixed coils are different. To complete the full details of dynamometer type of instrument come to Tejas Engineers Academy and attend Engineering tuitions in Delhi. 

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